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The need to be perfect versus the need to be creative: An investigation of the relationship between perfectionism and creativity

Posted on:2011-03-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Wayne State UniversityCandidate:Yu, MingzhuFull Text:PDF
In the current study, 504 participants were recruited to complete an online questionnaire which included a measure of perfectionism, a measure of creative personality and a test of creative performance in order to assess (1) the relationship between positive and negative dimensions of perfectionism and creativity, and (2) the extent to which creative personality moderates the relationship between positive and negative aspects of perfectionism and creative performance. Although there is plenty of research on perfectionism and creativity respectively, there is a lack of examination on the relationship between the two constructs, which is what this study was designed to accomplish. Furthermore, this study was designed to expand the literature of relationship between perfectionism and performance by considering creative performance as the outcome variable. Implications for future research and organizational practices such as selection and development were provided.
Keywords/Search Tags:Creative, Perfectionism, Relationship
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