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Mind-body connectivity: Foundations in dance for the user-experience

Posted on:2011-07-29Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of California, IrvineCandidate:Sylvester, Nicole Miya HiranoFull Text:PDF
This research offers the study of movement from dance to technology. Considering the growing corporeal aspects of interactions between people and computers, a study of postmodern dance---through Effort Theory and dance improvisation---is indispensible for kinesthetic user-interface design. Dance inquiry bridges physicality to the user-experience, unlike traditional methods of research in Human-Computer Interaction. As practitioners of movement, dancers are adequately trained to investigate the design of movement applied for interactive control. Further inquiries in mind-body connectivity may enable progress towards universality in the structure of movement for the interactive user-experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dance, Movement
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