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The acute effect of a myofascial release intervention on resting scapular position

Posted on:2008-09-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:McLeod, Michelle MFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390005956747Subject:Health Sciences
This study examined the acute effect of utilizing a self myofascial release technique (MRT) intervention on resting scapular position. Resting postural and kinematic data were collected using an electromagnetic motion analysis system on twenty-nine subjects (15 experimental, 14 control) using a pretest-posttest design. Posture was determined through measures of scapular upward/downward rotation, scapular internal/external rotation, and scapular anterior/posterior tipping. Measures were compared between groups prior to and immediately following the MRT intervention using a foam roller or rest period lasting the duration required to complete the MRT. Statistical analyses revealed no significant differences in posture for group, or for test by group interaction. A main effect was observed for test in anterior/posterior tipping, suggesting the scapula was more posteriorly tipped in posttest measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Effect, Scapular, Resting, MRT
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