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Roots of oral tradition in 'The Arabian Nights': An application of oral performance theory to 'The story of the King of China's Hunchback'

Posted on:2008-04-08Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Missouri - ColumbiaCandidate:Mahir, Zaid NumanFull Text:PDF
The aim of this thesis is to argue for The Arabian Nights as a work of verbal art whose roots are in the oral tradition of the Arab world. After a short premise meant to throw light on the status of oral storytelling in the Arab world, the thesis is divided into three chapters. The first is devoted to laying out a theoretical background for the application of an oral tradition approach. Chapters Two and Three are given to the application of this approach: Richard Bauman's Oral Performance framework. The text chosen for this application is the "Story of the King of China's Hunchback." The conclusions I draw afterwards are based on the illuminating results of the theory put to practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oral tradition, Application
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