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Internet marketing of herbal supplements and other natural products for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children

Posted on:2017-04-19Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:Southern Connecticut State UniversityCandidate:Ulate, Joan EFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390005469357Subject:Public Health
As part of the upsurge in promotion of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), online sales of herbal and other natural product supplements are consistently increasing, and this trend is projected to continue. Herbal supplements are easy to purchase online without requiring a prescription.;Childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a frequently diagnosedcondition for which natural product supplementation is promoted but health claims made on websites are not always backed up with empirical evidence justifying these claims. This current situation followed the 1994 passage of DSHEA legislation and a subsequent relaxing of restrictions of having to obtain FDA approval prior to manufacturing or selling these supplements as food additives or drugs as was required prior to this legislation (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, 1994).;This project explored methods of marketing CAM on the Internet for children with ADHD by determining marketing strategies. Data was extracted from 40 websites using two search engines and recorded using Excel. Many marketing techniques are being used to promote products. Gaia Kids had links to hundreds of social media. Products are displayed in scenic settings, with imaginative kid themes and beautiful bright and pastel colors. Naming of products was suggestive and convincing. Two hundred seven unique ingredients were found and phosphatidyl serine was most frequently present. Many different classes of substances are combined in the formulations. Structure-function claims allowed by the DSHEA appear to mislead consumers that product safety and effectiveness have been proven.
Keywords/Search Tags:Herbal, Natural, Product, Marketing, Supplements
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