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Services for individuals with mental illness leaving jail: Assessing Oneida County's needs and resources

Posted on:2009-09-22Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:State University of New York Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Radeljas, KenanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390005458376Subject:Health Sciences
In this project I explore the relationship between the number of people with mental illness incarcerated at Oneida County Jail and services in the community that address the mental health needs of people once they are released from jail. Using data collected by the Oneida County Jail mental health staff, I examine the number of people with mental illness incarcerated between 2004--2006 at Oneida County Jail, focusing on those with current Axis IV diagnoses, the total number of people with a history of diagnosed mental illness, and the number of people with mental illness who were homeless at the time of their arrest. In order to assess if there is a greater need for mental health services for individuals released from Oneida County Jail, I interviewed four primary mental health service providers in the County about their missions, services and client load. I conclude with recommendations that more services specifically targeting individuals released from Oneida County Jail are needed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oneida county, Mental illness, Services
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