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Wireless sensors for in-home medical management

Posted on:2009-07-04Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at BuffaloCandidate:Kappagantu, Venkata SwethaFull Text:PDF
The growth in sensor technology for medical use has undoubtedly taken a rise and this thesis is an example of that. The aim of the thesis is to design and test wireless sensors to monitor the motion & temperature of a patient/child which can be extended to web domain. Specifically, the motion sensor would allow monitoring the movement of a patient and the temperature sensor would allow continuous monitoring of the patient's body temperature without disturbing him.;Hardware design includes the design and develeopment of temperature sensor and motion sensor as well as battery operated modules for them. The signal of the sensors is communicated through gateways to a microcontroller with a built in ADC in it. The wireless transmission and receiving is done using a low cost package manufactured by Esensors Inc. MPLab IDE and CCS-C compiler have been used for programming the PIC microcontrollers. The transmitter modules are programmed to transmit data in packets when a signal from the sensor is communicated to it. The receiver module receives the signal which is monitored on a Hyper Terminal environment.;The main advantage this thesis provides is its wireless facility. Also, it does not involve any manual labor to carry out these operations which reduces the overall cost to a great extent.;Designing and testing the battery operated low cost wireless sensors for in home medical use has been accomplished which provides excellent in-home facilities with very little complexity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sensor, Medical
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