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The power of art: Using art therapy to minimize agitation: A case study of an adult male with Alzheimer's disease

Posted on:2008-02-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Ursuline CollegeCandidate:Vetter, Jennifer MFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this case study was to demonstrate the benefit of art making in reducing the level of agitation in an adult male diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. This study explored the subject's use of art materials to evoke positive memories and allow for feelings of happiness and self worth, instead of feelings of agitation and frustration. It looked at the history of art therapy with dementia patients and agitation. This study also assessed the subject's level of agitation prior to beginning the study and again after the study was complete, showing a minimal decrease in the subject's level of agitation. Through the art interventions and assessments given, the one-on-one sessions with use of the art media proved to be an effective tool in reducing the subject's level of agitation both physically and emotionally, promoting feelings of relaxation and increased self worth.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agitation, Case study, Art therapy, Adult male, Self worth, Subject
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