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Role of the forkhead transcription factor, fktf-1, in the development of Strongyloides stercoralis

Posted on:2010-01-07Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of PennsylvaniaCandidate:Castelletto, Michelle LynnFull Text:PDF
Parasitic nematodes are an important public health issue in much of the developing world. Improving our understanding of the basic biology of these pathogens will lead to better therapeutics and prevention. Based on metabolic and morphological similarities between infective third-stage larvae of parasitic nematodes and dauer larvae of Caenorhabditis elegans, it is hypothesized that similar genetic mechanisms control the development of these forms. In the parasite Strongyloides stercoralis, FKTF-1 is an ortholog of DAF-16, a forkhead transcription factor that regulates dauer larval development in C. elegans. Using transgenesis, we investigated the role of FKTF-1 in S. stercoralis' infective larval development. In first-stage larvae, GFP-tagged recombinant FKTF-1b localizes to the pharynx and hypodermis, tissues remodeled in infective larvae. Activating and inactivating mutations at predicted AKT phosphorylation sites on FKTF-1b give constitutive cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of the protein, respectively, indicating that its post-translational regulation is similar to other FOXO-class transcription factors. Mutant constructs designed to interfere with endogenous FKTF-1b function altered the intestinal and pharyngeal development of the larvae and resulted in some transgenic larvae failing to arrest in the infective stage. Our findings indicate that FKTF-1b is required for proper morphogenesis of Strongyloides stercoralis infective larvae and support the overall hypothesis of similar regulation of dauer development in C. elegans and the formation of infective larvae in parasitic nematodes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Development, FKTF-1, Larvae, Nematodes, Transcription, Strongyloides
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