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In the Shadow of the Giant: Understanding the Role of Plaza G at Lower Dover, Beliz

Posted on:2019-05-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Northern Arizona UniversityCandidate:Collins, Renee LynnFull Text:PDF
Since 2010, the Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project (BVAR) has conducted intensive research at the site of Lower Dover, located directly across the Belize River from the minor center of Barton Ramie. Project research questions at Lower Dover have focused both on the monumental architecture of the site core, and on plazuela groups in the periphery of the site's epicenter. One such peripheral patio group, classified as Group G, consists of five mounds that enclose a small plaza just north of the center's ballcourt. This thesis presents the results of my investigations on Group G at Lower Dover. Results of my research indicate that Group G is an intermediate elite household that developed before and during the construction of the Lower Dover site core(dates). I compare the development of this household with that of the site center and discuss the potential relationships between site cores and adjacent patio groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lower dover, Site
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