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Listening to the spirit voices: Honoring our ancient traditional ways of healing

Posted on:2009-10-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Northern British Columbia (Canada)Candidate:Henderson, Earl WallaceFull Text:PDF
GTID:2444390002496452Subject:Cultural anthropology
This thesis will compare and contrast health and healing as practiced by Western medicine and Cree medicine. In the culture of Western medicine, the physicians are trained through technology and scientific facts; traditional Cree medicine is viewed as spiritual healing through cultural ceremonies and the use of medicinal plants. My aim is to prove that the best path of health and healing, especially for Aboriginal people is by utilizing both Western and traditional Cree medicine which provides a truly holistic approach to our well-being; Western medicine lacks the spiritual aspect while traditional medicine lacks the Western scientific approach. This thesis utilizes Medical Anthropology which provides the structure for bridging the gaps between Western medicine and traditional Cree medicine. This thesis is an example of how Western and traditional Cree medicine can promote health and healing to all people, Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal individuals, families and communities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Healing, Cree medicine, Traditional, Western
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