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Analysis of a local mosquito population: A spatial comparative analysis of larval and adult mosquitoes

Posted on:2009-04-26Degree:M.P.HType:Thesis
University:University of Northern ColoradoCandidate:Lipps, Marshall DFull Text:PDF
Current policy of the Boulder County Mosquito Control District seeks to reduce adulticide applications, focusing instead, on targeted larval applications. This study assessed the hypothesis that spatial association exists within larval and adult mosquito populations, with the intent to determine if key sources of mosquitoes can be identified to explain historically high adult populations. This information can subsequently be used to identify gaps, aid targeting and increase efficacy of current larval control efforts to ultimately minimize adult mosquito populations thus reducing disease transmission, human annoyance, and chemical adulticide applications. Results found little to no association between known larval development sites and adult surveillance counts, leading to the conclusion that ongoing larval control activities are successful, but indicating further identification of new larval development sites is necessary to reduce local adult mosquito populations. However, spatial distribution of predominant species was noted. These results will lead to greater ability to geographically identify and target source locations to ultimately achieve district objectives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Larval, Adult, Mosquito, Spatial
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