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Creative healing: An expressive art therapy curriculum designed to decrease the symptoms of depression and anxiety

Posted on:2010-02-05Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Prescott CollegeCandidate:Price, Jennifer SFull Text:PDF
Creative expression holds the key to unlock the healing potential in every individual. There are things to be gained as well as things to let go of within every expression of creativity. When one uses creativity, art, and imagination to address the moments of struggle, triumph, sadness, and exhilaration that are a part of every day life, there is a powerful healing process that creates and brings meaning and learning to the human experience. When these expressions, meanings, experiences, and lessons are shared with others, 'creative healing' is experienced by all. This thesis and work was conducted to gain information regarding which expressive art techniques and mediums help best with the reduction of depression and anxiety symptoms in the adult population. Questionnaires were used to gather this information and experiential data with the purpose of using the gathered information to create and develop a 12-week expressive art treatment plan/curriculum to be used in an individual or group setting that would specifically address the amelioration of depression and anxiety symptoms in the adult population.
Keywords/Search Tags:Expressive art, Healing, Symptoms, Depression
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