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From deprivation to detonation: Identity, political deprivation and homegrown terrorism in the United Kingdom

Posted on:2010-09-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Georgetown UniversityCandidate:Love, KarenFull Text:PDF
This paper explores the impetus behind recent homegrown terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom. Through an in-depth analysis of the July 7, 2005 bombings, this paper will attempt to understand what made seemingly ordinary, well-assimilated Muslim youths - a teacher, a student, a cricket player - prone to radicalization and violent jihad? This paper suggests that there are two factors which increase the propensity for radicalization among these individuals. First, some Muslim youths may be driven to Salafi Islam by their search for authentic identities. Second, some of these youths are politically deprived, which not only angers them, but prevents them from remedying their grievances through non-violent channels. As the 7/7 bombings demonstrate, this combination of a lack of authentic identity and political deprivation can be deadly. In light of these findings, this paper critiques the United Kingdom's counterterrorism policies.
Keywords/Search Tags:United, Deprivation, Paper
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