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The aging process deconstructed: Glucose production, cancer resistance and longevity

Posted on:2010-01-13Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Alderman, Jennifer McKeeFull Text:PDF
The aging process affects all mammals and is typically seen with a gradual decline in overall system functionality. This can affect organ and immune function, resulting in increased susceptibility to diseases such as cancer. There are many theories as to specific mechanisms of longevity; we investigate the neuroendocrine regulation of glucose utilization as a potential mediator. Animal models are valuable tools in our efforts to perform gerontological research. Increased lifespan in rodents and mice has been observed through calorie restriction and single mutations, such as Pit-/- and Proph1-/-. Our results in Snell dwarf mice suggest that the pituitary gland and adipose tissue are part of a neuroendocrine loop that lower the risk of cancer during aging by reducing the availability of glucose.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aging, Glucose, Cancer
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