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Heat Stress Effects on Cotton During Reproductive Development and Subsequent Acclimation Responses

Posted on:2017-03-30Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:FitzSimons, Toby RFull Text:PDF
GTID:2443390005967084Subject:Plant sciences
High temperature stress is among the most difficult to control abiotic factors affecting crop yields in the Southern United States due to its wide regional influence. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) though a tropical plant in origin, it is sensitive to the effects of high temperature. This is of particular concern when the warmest temperatures coincide with the most sensitive developmental stage of flowering. Thus, the capacity to improve cotton's ability to tolerate heat stress has been a significant focus for many decades. Therefore, this research was composed of several different components all designed to investigate heat stress effects. Using a combination of environmental growth chamber, field, and exploratory data modeling studies it appears that high temperatures affect cotton fruit production ubiquitously. This conclusion, based upon the results of several novel experiments of identifying heat stress effects were summarized under the following objectives: 1) Identify historic regional effects of high temperature for both irrigated and non-irrigated fields in the Mississippi Delta 2) Determine the impact heat has on the carbohydrate status of the flower and subtending leaf the days surrounding anthesis 3) Characterize acclimation potential to repeated periods of heat stress that emphasizes that the timing of analytical collections is an important under-reported factor in plant development 4) Investigate well-irrigated cotton and its response to heat stress to ascertain if irrigation could provide protection from increased temperatures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stress, Cotton, Temperature
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