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Gene activation potential of MsHsfA4, a heat shock transcription factor from Medicago sativa L

Posted on:2011-10-09Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Byczko, Helen CatherineFull Text:PDF
A class A4 heat shock transcription factor (Hsf) from Medicago sativa L. was compared to a class A1 and a class A4 Hsf from Arabidopsis thaliana. Transient expression assays with beta-Glucuronidase and Luciferase reporter genes were used in a replicated study comparing mesophyll protoplasts from five species, Nicotiana tobaccum, Arabidopsis, M. sativa, M. truncatula and Lotus japonicus. A significant Hsf protein by protoplast interaction (P=0.0162) was detected. The Arabidopsis class A1 activated significantly (P<0.05) higher levels of reporter compared to the Arabidopsis and Medicago class A4 in Nicotiana protoplasts. In Arabidopsis, and M. truncatula and Lotus protoplasts it was the reverse; the A4 Hsf induced higher expression than the A1. The class A4 Arabidopsis and Medicago had comparable activities in M sativa, M. truncatula and Lotus protoplasts. This study revealed that model plant species have differential response which altered the relative activation of Hsf proteins in the heat shock response.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heat shock, Hsf, Class A4, Medicago, Sativa
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