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A comparison of partial cut and clearcut harvesting productivity and cost in old cedar-hemlock forests in east central British Columbia

Posted on:2007-03-12Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Northern British Columbia (Canada)Candidate:Renzie, ChadFull Text:PDF
lthough clearcutting has been a historically dominant harvesting method in British Columbia (representing 95% of the total volume harvested annually), forest managers are increasingly recommending the use of alternative silvicultural systems and harvest methods, including various types of partial cutting, to meet ecological and social objectives. In this study we compared harvesting productivity and costs between treatments in 300-350 year-old Interior Cedar-Hemlock stands. This was achieved through detailed and shift level time studies. Residual stand damage was also assessed and recommendations for improving operational planning/layout and the implementation of clearcut and partial cutting silvicultural prescriptions were made. Harvesting costs varied in the ground-based clearcut treatments from...
Keywords/Search Tags:Harvesting, Clearcut, Partial
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