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Biomass energy for rural electrification: An analysis of small scale implementations

Posted on:2007-05-31Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Doluweerawatta Gamage, Ganesh H. DFull Text:PDF
Lack of access to electrical energy sources is a barrier for development in the rural sector in developing countries. Escalating costs of fossil energy resources and increasing concerned on environmental pollution caused by fossil energy burning make rural electrification a challenge. Biomass energy is an alternative source for electrical power generation for rural electrification in developing countries. With short rotation forestry techniques and energy conversion technologies such as modern gasification and pyrolysis techniques, biomass energy is a sustainable electrical power source for rural communities in developing countries. An analysis of village scale biomass energy system implementations is presented in this thesis. System economics, greenhouse gas emission reduction benefits and barriers to implement biomass energy systems were analysed in this research work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Energy, Electrical, Rural electrification, Developing countries
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