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Life on the other side of the street: A study of the causes and socioeconomic consequences of intra-metropolitan migration and racial residential segregation in Kansas City

Posted on:2008-11-17Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Missouri - Kansas CityCandidate:Owens, Timothy ChristopherFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390005974441Subject:Black Studies
Kansas City is a metropolitan space characterized by racial residential segregation resulting from decades of individual and institutional actions that have propagated and perpetuated this racial divide. This division has not been without consequence for the city's African American residents. This study examines the migration of households within the urban core and between the city and its suburbs, the extent of racial residential segregation, and the socioeconomic consequences that arise from such conditions, as posited by the literature.; United States Census data, as well as county, municipality, and school district data are used to analyze these conditions in two study areas located in the metropolitan area. The analysis indicates that since the mid-twentieth century, housing segregation has flourished in metropolitan Kansas City, and its consequences have created seemingly inescapable existences for African American residents living in neighborhoods that foster such self-reinforcing social ills as unemployment, poverty, and other social pathologies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Racial residential segregation, City, Metropolitan, Consequences
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