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CommonWater: Steps toward a more sustainable water use policy in Massachusetts

Posted on:2008-05-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Saggese, BeckyFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390005966717Subject:Political science
This thesis addresses the Commonwealth's problem of stressed river basins and identifies potential statewide solutions. Massachusetts is typically thought of as a "water-rich" state. That, however, is a dangerous misconception.;The major causes of stressed water resources in Massachusetts are groundwater withdrawals, peak season demand, and increased runoff from impervious surfaces. This document provides steps that Massachusetts can take to mitigate the effects of these occurrences, while moving closer to a sustainable water use policy. By focusing on the needs of the resource as opposed to the needs of the users, this thesis takes a fresh approach to handling water resource issues.;The research that informed this thesis provided a political and social context for the recommendations that followed. Data has been collected from interviews, survey analysis, a literature review, relevant policy analysis and an analysis of water withdrawal regulations throughout New England.;At this point in time, additional regulation does not makes sense for Massachusetts, due to a lack of political will and a lack of resources to enforce additional regulation. Therefore, the state must focus on educating citizens about the problems of stressed water resources and improving the current programs that regulate water withdrawals. The recommendations provided in this document should act as the next steps in Massachusetts water policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Massachusetts, Water, Policy, Steps
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