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Conservation education for BC Parks' commercial recreation operators: A needs assessmen

Posted on:2008-05-21Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Burfield, Peggy JaneFull Text:PDF
BC Parks' mandate is to maintain a balance between the conservation of the natural environment and the provision of quality outdoor recreation. BC Parks is committed to conservation and all employees are required to have conservation education experiences. However, there is no requirement for others, such as commercial recreation operators working in BC Parks, to have similar educational backgrounds under the conditions of their permit. The primary purpose of this research project was to determine if there is a need for conservation education for these operators. The secondary purpose was to provide recommendations for implementation of programs if deemed needed. Using qualitative research methodology, data was collected from interviews with representatives from BC Parks, commercial recreation operators, and BC environmental conservation organizations. The results clearly support the need for conservation education for commercial recreation operators and recommendations provide BC Parks' management with strategies for the implementation of conservation education programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:BC parks, Conservation, Commercial recreation operators
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