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Developing high-strength self-consolidating concrete mixtures for use in bridge girders

Posted on:2008-01-18Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of ArkansasCandidate:Do, Nam HoangFull Text:PDF
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) was first developed in Japan, and it has been widely used in Japan, Europe, and America. The use of SCC provides many performance benefits and is cost-effective. In the U.S, SCC has been used in double tees, walls, slabs, and architectural elements. These types of applications do not require high compressive strength (usually less than 6000 psi at 28 days). The precast/prestress industry is looking to utilize the advantages of SCC in bridge girders where higher compressive strengths are required. However, there is little or no research on developing SCC with high compressive strength. Therefore, the goal of this project was to develop high strength SCC mixtures for use in prestressed bridge girders.
Keywords/Search Tags:SCC, Bridge, Strength
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