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Depth perception: Architecture and the cinematic

Posted on:2008-01-09Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Yee, AngelaFull Text:PDF
This project explores the dialectical relationship between architecture and cinema, arguing that both these forms of creative production constitute spatial constructions. The MDP utilizes the film, "Hiroshima Mon Amour" by Alain Resnais and Marguerite Duras as the basis for a series of six sequential speculative works that draws links between concerns that permeate contemporary architectural practice and ideas within the film. These issues emanate from a hermeneutic reading of "Hiroshima Mon Amour". A rigorous method of abstract graphic representation explores notions of time, place, fragmentation, memory and experience. Four large-scale drawings executed as "performances" in time with the film serve as test subjects for the project. The drawings are open to multiple interpretations---they have the potential to read as representations of movement (user interaction), site, program, plans, sections or elevations. The MDP structures itself around narrative theory insofar as the project's evolution bears similarities to modes of figuration exercised in the reading and production of narratives. A video installation based on theories developed through the speculative works will be exhibited at EMMedia Artist-Run Gallery (April 9th, 10th & 12 th) to conclude the project with a realized work.;Key words. Film, architecture, cinema, fiction, theory, hermeneutics, heuristic, contemporary culture, abstraction, drawing, diagram, installation, video, time, memory, space...
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture, Film
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