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Outdoor art in the campus landscape: Finding forms and formulas

Posted on:2008-01-02Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Graham, J. MariaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390005467535Subject:Fine Arts
Many university and college campuses find themselves the exhibition grounds for outdoor sculpture, whether by chance or by a more purposeful initiative. Due to limited resources only a few institutions have collections that are well documented and coordinated. This study takes a look at the fields of campus planning, public art and campus outdoor art to inform a list of recommendations for developing and enhancing campus outdoor art collections or programs.; Through a broad review of the literature, the use of case study, interview, and questionnaire methodologies a list of recommendations takes shape. The study also reveals the unique opportunities and constraints of the campus landscape as a site for outdoor artwork and the potential role landscape architects and planners play in guiding a campus collection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Campus, Outdoor, Landscape
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