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A meta-analysis on the relationship between measures of commute span and strain

Posted on:2008-05-27Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Davis, Kimberly AnneFull Text:PDF
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between measures of commute span and strain via the methodology of meta-analysis. Twenty-two studies were included in the analysis, comprising the sample of studies, yielding 41 effect sizes, total N = 11,214. It was found that greater commute span was moderately associated with greater strain. Further, results supported objective impedance as the preferred measure of commute span. Results regarding the preferred operationalization of strain as physiological, psychological or behavioral were equivocal. Exploratory analyses revealed greater strain for automobile commuters in comparison to those taking public transportation. Also of note, no discernable differences were found among studies that used student samples rather than professional commuters. Theoretical implications, practical implications and limitations are discussed, and recommendations for the future study of commute span and strain are offered.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commute span, Relationship between measures
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