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The redevelopment of working waterfronts: How lessons learned in Oregon's working waterfronts can be applied to Designated Port Areas (DPAs) and the surrounding areas in Massachusetts

Posted on:2009-12-03Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Moniz, Katie TFull Text:PDF
"How Massachusetts Designated Port Areas (DPAs) such as New Bedford-Fairhaven use successful lessons that were learned in waterfront redevelopment in Oregon to maintain their marine industries while integrating public access, open space and mixed-use development?" Using the redevelopment in Astoria, Oregon as an example of successful working waterfront redevelopment, comparisons are drawn to the New Bedford-Fairhaven DPA and the area surrounding this waterfront.; The first chapter presents a brief discussion of the federal coastal zone management program, as well as Massachusetts and Oregon state coastal zone management programs. A review of other related state agencies and planning programs who provide grant funding and technical planning assistance to coastal communities such as the Oregon 306A program, the Designated Port Areas (DPAs) designation and Municipal Harbor Plans to promote coastal planning and land-use management is discussed in depth.; The second chapter presents a literature review detailing peer-reviewed journal articles and research by scholars and professionals regarding four main topics and their effect on waterfront redevelopment. The four main topics were identified through in-depth research and a visit to Astoria, Oregon, along with an extensive literature review, are comprehensive planning, a diverse mix of funding sources, public access and the effect of water and sediment pollution on planning.; The third chapter is a case study of Astoria, Oregon narrating the city's use of comprehensive planning and federal and state development and grant programs such as the federal Rails to Trails Act and Oregon Coastal Zone Management 306A program. The city's public access provided through a Riverwalk, new public parks, sea-viewing platforms and new view paths through the city's downtown will highlight Astoria's accomplishments in courting residents and visitors alike.; The fourth chapter presents the case study of the New Bedford-Fairhaven Designated Port Area (DPA) discussing a past lack of comprehensive planning and evaluation in New Bedford-Fairhaven and the federal and state Massachusetts coastal planning and funding programs available to the area. Existing water quality issues and their effect or potential effect on current and future waterfront projects are explored in the context of finances, special concerns and limitations on uses in the New Bedford Harbor.; Finally, the fifth chapter presents analysis and recommendations for future waterfront planning in Massachusetts DPAs based on lessons learned in the waterfront revitalization in Astoria, Oregon. A sample waterfront redevelopment plan is included to assist Massachusetts planners and harbor development groups in future waterfront efforts. Tools for implementing a comprehensive waterfront plan, a list of waterfront goals for incorporation in a comprehensive plan, community stakeholder involvement techniques and strategies to improve water quality will be integrated into this sample plan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Waterfront, Designated port areas, Massachusetts, Redevelopment, Dpas, Oregon, New bedford-fairhaven, Lessons
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