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A Mass Minimizing Flow for Real-Valued Flat Chains with Applications to Transport Network

Posted on:2018-05-18Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Rice UniversityCandidate:Downes, Carol AnnFull Text:PDF
An oriented transportation network can be modeled by a 1-dimensional chain whose boundary is the difference between the demand and supply distributions, represented by weighted sums of point masses. To accommodate efficiencies of scale into the model, one uses a suitable Malpha norm for transportation cost. One then finds that the minimal cost network has a branching structure since the norm favors higher multiplicity edges, representing shared transport. In this thesis, we construct a continuous flow that evolves some initial such network to reduce transport cost without altering its supply and demand distributions. Instead of limiting our scope to transport networks, we construct this Malpha mass reducing flow for real-valued flat chains by finding a real current of locally finite mass with the property that its restrictions are flat chains; the slices of such a restriction dictate the flow. Keeping the boundary fixed, this flow reduces the Malpha mass of the initial chain and is Lipschitz continuous under the flat-alpha norm. To complete the thesis, we apply this flow to transportation networks, showing that the flow indeed evolves branching transport networks to be more cost efficient.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transport, Flow, Network, Flat chains, Mass, Cost
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