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Ultrasonic wave measurement through cement paste backfill

Posted on:2009-03-27Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Diez d'Aux, MichaelFull Text:PDF
Measurement of ultrasonic wave propagation velocities can be used to determine dynamic small-strain engineering moduli. It is proposed that ultrasonic wave propagation be used to non-destructively observe curing in cemented paste backfill (CPB) during volume change testing under triaxial load. The GCTS ultrasonic system to be used in the analysis of CPB is introduced and investigated. It is found that the GCTS system varies significantly from two other reference systems, and that the limitations as demonstrated here may prevent the testing of CPB with this system. Steel, aluminum, rock, clay, tailings, and CPB are tested using the GCTS system. S waves are observed to be convolved, impairing the determination of the small-strain shear modulus in curing CPB. Recommendations are made on testing procedures using the GCTS system and for further testing that may lead to the objective of testing CPB for volume change during hydration while monitoring hydration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ultrasonic wave, CPB, GCTS system, Testing
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