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A comparison of household demographics relative to fixed guideway transit catchment in Baltimore City

Posted on:2010-11-07Degree:M.C.R.PType:Thesis
University:Morgan State UniversityCandidate:Nembhard, Kyle AnthonyFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines household demographics near Metro and Light Rail stations in Baltimore City. This thesis used Census data from 1990 and 2000 and MTA 2008 Ridership Survey data in order to see if household incomes were higher in areas that were served by Metro and Light Rail while lower income households were located in areas that were only served by local bus. The hypothesis was that areas that are served by light rail and metro systems were attracting higher-income households and causing gentrification. The research found that no distinctive pattern exists in Baltimore City that suggests that housing was stratified based on its location relative to Metro or Light Rail.
Keywords/Search Tags:Baltimore city, Light rail, Household demographics
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