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In perspective: Ferdinand C. Latrobe's mayoral terms and progressive influences on the city of Baltimore, 1875--189

Posted on:2011-02-17Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, Baltimore CountyCandidate:Rosalski, Joseph CFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002470291Subject:American history
The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were rife with political, social and economic upheaval, ultimately effecting drastic changes at every level of local government within the United States. Upstanding political figures, however, did exist in Progressive Era Baltimore through the personage of Ferdinand C. Latrobe, Baltimore's seven-time mayor, serving terms from 1875 through 1895. He is a figure that is rarely mentioned in Baltimore's history and transformation into a modern municipality. Few academic works discuss how Latrobe's views and policies regarding good government, expansion of city services, city beautification, and keeping Baltimore competitive with neighboring cities ultimately led to a modern, twentieth century municipality. Close examination of the speeches from his mayoralty and retirement from public life coupled with various secondary sources, unquestioningly place Mayor Latrobe squarely in the Progressive camp regarding three distinct Progressive Era issues including urban planning, municipal reform and the City Beautiful Movement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Progressive, City, Baltimore
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