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Hyper-Geographic Office: How the clouds activate public space

Posted on:2010-03-25Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Rice UniversityCandidate:Shepherdson, Brian DanielFull Text:PDF
The new workplace is not bound by geography, it is geography.;In any place, there are overlapping geographic fields of varying intensity---design for the new office should consist of the agitation and deformation of these fields.;This thesis investigates the architectural implications of patterns of working that are emerging due to the dematerialized but expanding presence of computing technology, or "The Techno-Cloud"---which has rendered the traditional architectural, urban, and social boundaries of the office obsolete.;This thesis proposes a methodology for the re-design of the office tower---a strategy for upsetting its enclosed, controlled geography to create a HyperGeography of active, overlapping fields of climate and use. In the HyperGeographic Office, nomadic workers are part of this ecology, tuning their environment through movement.;If the office is geography, then its Architecture is the control and augmentation of climatic performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Office, Geography
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