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Comparing theory and measurements of woodwind-like instrument acoustic radiation

Posted on:2010-04-10Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Shi, YongFull Text:PDF
This thesis provides a review of a computational modeling technique for woodwind-like musical instruments with arbitrarily shaped bore and finger holes. The model of a simple acoustic structure implemented in Matlab is verified through experimental measurements in terms of radiation directivity.;A modified pulse reflectometry system is used to measure the radiation directivity of the sample woodwind-like instrument. The measurement and data processing are simulated using a digital waveguide model to test the validity of the measurement system. The final measurements are performed with five fingerings for the measured object. The measurement results are compared with the theoretically predicted values to evaluate the fitness of the model. Suggestions for further improvement of both the measurement and the model are given.;The methods of calculating the acoustical impedance at the input end and the internal sound pressure at any position along the principle axis of the bore are presented. The procedure for calculating the radiation pressure is detailed in an example featuring a main bore with two open holes. The far-field and near-field formulas of radiation distances and angles are given.
Keywords/Search Tags:Radiation, Woodwind-like, Measurement, Bore, Model
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