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Behavior of lightning and updrafts for severe and non-severe storms in northern Alabama

Posted on:2010-11-10Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:The University of Alabama in HuntsvilleCandidate:Johnson, Elise VFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002972362Subject:Atmospheric Sciences
The relationship between updraft, precipitation ice, and lightning flash rate is hypothesized to be the physical connection between a lightning 'jump' signature and manifestations of severe weather. This study further examines this connection using dual-Doppler wind retrievals, dual-polarimetric radar and total lightning data. The retrieved three-dimensional wind fields were compared to total lightning flash rates and precipitation ice computed using ARMOR dual-polarimetric data. Particular attention was paid to the timing of updraft and precipitation ice pulses relative to changes in the lightning flash rate. The results from this study reveal that consistent underlying relationships exist between updraft, precipitation sized ice, and lightning flash rate. Correlation strength differed between storm types with non-severe and single cells storms performing the best overall in this study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lightning, Updraft, Precipitation ice
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