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Design and power: Defining program and typology for T.I.S.E.C. developments in the Bay of Fundy

Posted on:2010-01-08Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Baczuk, EricFull Text:PDF
The massive tidal range of the Bay of Fundy in eastern Canada offers enormous potential for renewable energy development through tidal in-stream energy conversion. Drawing from examples such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Eden Project, this thesis looks to define both building program and typology for the land-based components of this emerging industry. By focusing on the systemic connections between nature, technology and society, this project explores the potential of tidal-electrical power production in the Bay of Fundy, as well as how these facilities might help engage and support communities in the Fundy basin.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fundy
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