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Environmental illness in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta

Posted on:2011-12-16Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Caldwell, WesleyFull Text:PDF
The Peace Athabasca Delta and Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, are downstream of significant industrial development and associated effluent. The resulting risk to the regional environment and its residents has created controversy, most recently as a regional doctor claimed pollution from the oil sands industry in Fort McMurray was responsible for higher than average rates of chronic illnesses in Fort Chipewyan. The scientific literature, however, suggests that the Peace Athabasca Delta is in good health with little effect on its ecosystem from anthropogenic pollution or development. While there is some evidence that the residents of Fort Chipewyan have a higher incidence of some types of cancer, the epidemiology of the region does not support environmental toxicity as a significant causative factor.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fort chipewyan
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