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Developpement d'un banc d'essai pour la validation d'un algorithme d'identification du modele de frottement de Maxwell Generalise

Posted on:2011-09-01Degree:M.IngType:Thesis
University:Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada)Candidate:Guessoum, DjamelFull Text:PDF
The dynamic GMS friction model proposed recently (Vincent Lampaert 2003) describes the friction with a higher precision than the other dynamic models. It describes all the physical phenomena present in the two phases of the friction namely the presliding and the sliding. This model with a reduced complexity might be very useful to compensate the friction force in the position control systems. Many studies were done to identify the parameters of this model. But most of them were done off-line. A recent study on a new formulation, dedicated to the on-line nonlinear estimation of the parameters of the GMS model, has been developed in our laboratory, but has not been validated experimentally.Keywords: GMS model, Friction, Identification, ValidationThis research work consists in validating this estimator by a test bed formed by a linear motor, an additional friction and a force sensor. First, the GMS friction model and the new on-line identification algorithm are presented. Then, all the system elements are modeled and characterized experimentally. This characterization allows the design of a linearizing control law and the calibration of the amplifier, the linear motor, the conditioner and the force sensor. Finally, the identification algorithm is validated by the obtained data from the test bench. The obtained results show a good performance of the estimator. But the convergence of the algorithm is slow and the adjustment of its gains remains difficult.
Keywords/Search Tags:Model, Algorithm, GMS, Friction, Identification
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