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Bridge System with Precast Concrete Double-T Girder and External Unbonded Post-tensioning

Posted on:2011-12-13Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Li, Yang EileenFull Text:PDF
This thesis compares the consumption of primary superstructure material in a conventional single span CPCI system with those of double-T alternatives. The CPCI system is currently the preferred bridge type for short and medium spans in Canada, despite its relatively inefficient use of materials due to imperfect live load sharing among multiple parallel girders. The double-T alternatives utilize slender double-T cross-sections, fully precast segments, and post-tensioning in both longitudinal and transverse direction.;The economy of the CPCI and double-T systems is compared within the framework of four sample designs. The results indicate that the double-T systems are in general more efficient than the CPCI system and have the potential to achieve better economy.
Keywords/Search Tags:CPCI system, Double-t
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