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An analysis of stakeholder preferences on a complex waterfront: Land uses and planning processes in Chelsea, MA

Posted on:2011-10-30Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Soule, JessicaFull Text:PDF
The focus of this research was to understand, through interviews and content analysis, how residents and officials in Chelsea, Massachusetts thought about their City's waterfront. Interviewed residents had relatively negative perceptions of the waterfront's existing condition, but were optimistic about its future. When given the opportunity, interviewed residents suggested land use themes similar to the City's. Residents generally considered more quality of life concerns in a holistic narrative than the City planning documents. Respondents had a lack of faith in the City, and felt that the planning department outcomes did not represent their main concerns. Despite these misgiving, many respondents were interested in working with the City in the future. The implication is that the way waterfront development is framed may play a large role in how the plan is received and understood by the community. Establishing ongoing communication early in the development process is recommended to facilitate future development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Waterfront, Planning, Residents
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