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Diffusion de statistiques d'achalandage de transport collectif provenant d'un systeme de paiement par cartes a puces a l'aide des technologies XML et SVG

Posted on:2009-12-04Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Vassiviere, FrancoisFull Text:PDF
Smart cards act as a medium effective as a ticket, this automated collection system has several advantages for both the user and the operator in the daily management of operations and finances. Thus, this system of perception in public transit is used primarily to control income of validation of the transport users using the service. Coupled with other ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) and embedded systems, automated collection systems by smart cards provide a large amount of information on both the transport service offered and on the behavior of its users. The data collected can be erronous.;The Company of transport of Outaouais (STO) launched out in 1997 in the implementation of a Computerized System of Validation of Transport documents (SIVT in French) by smart card on its network of bus having for goal to control the transactions and its incomes. The launch was effective in 2001. Research was being made in autumn 2003 on the potential analysis of this data by the departments of industrial engineering and civil engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal. In 2005, research has continued in the field, developing an algorithm to estimate the destinations of users, as their validation is not requested from the descent. This project is therefore as a continuation from result of these previous works.;The main objective is to model the operational characteristics of the transportation system of the STO and to diffuse these statistics through an intranet site available to the planners. The implementation of this project includes the programming of the algorithm that estimate destinations to model requiring statistical information such as the load on buses. This means that the model need to include all the data necessary for the derivation of statistics desired while respecting the assumptions and constraints associated with them. The next step is to choose a technology flexible and efficient enough for data diffusion, facilitating the constraints of the model as well as the transfer of data sources from SIVT system.;The significance of this research was to provide assistance in planning by allowing direct analysis of the statistics derived from data provided by this new intelligent transportation system (ITS). A validation of the data, as well as those derived by the algorithm determining the alighting stops of the users, are also issues addressed in this paper. A literature review was conducted on the planning of public transport, the various approaches, including object-oriented modeling in transportation witch allows a reliable and intelligent way to structure data related to transport. Intelligent Transportation Systems, and research made on the treatment of the data from smart cards, particularly in the areas of treatment and charging errors, as well as analysis of the behavior of all users were studied.;Based on a validation of the object model of the transport system of the STO, all the data necessary to derive the desired operational statistics were to be modeled to fit XML (Extensible Markup Language) structure in order to serve as a basis for the content Web site. An extraction procedure to extract daily data from the server SIVT in XML files representing each operational activities of a specific road was established. Some XSL (eXtendend StyleSheet Language) templates were used to transform the content of these XML files to be displayed on the various Web pages in a final format such as HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphisc) depending on the level of precision desired statistics. The result is an interactive intranet site broadcasting each day's operational display of every bus roads active on the network. This enables planners who use this data to evaluate any adjustments that could be made at the microscopic level of service in addition to allow them easily detect certain types of errors in the data, while also providing some guidance on potential sources of these errors. In addition, calculations were performed with the aim of establishing factors for adjusting the margin of errors in the data, given that some passengers do not use the smart card.
Keywords/Search Tags:System, Data, XML, Transport, Smart, ITS, Errors
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