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Developpement d'une nouvelle methode pour le controle du compactage

Posted on:2009-05-16Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Universite de Sherbrooke (Canada)Candidate:Santos, Anderson KusmaFull Text:PDF
The works which use the ground compacted as construction material, require of a control of compaction hang the process of in situ compaction. Generally, this control is made by standardized tests based on the values of water content and density of the ground. To arrive at these values the tests of control either are expensive and dangerous, or require much time.;This master's paper present the development, the comparison with other in situ methods and application and in laboratory of this developed methodology, in the first time, for three grounds of characteristics different geophysics. The analysis of the results of methodology suggested is achieved by comparison with other methods of control of compaction. 3.;In this master's paper a simple methodology of control of compaction of in situ ground was developed. This new methodology is founded on the reading of a probe of water content inserted with the surface of the ground to being analyzed. The reading is appraisal quickly using a concise portable device related to the probe. A curve of calibration is prepared in laboratory particularly for the ground in question and is used to convert the reading of the probe into volumetric water content. With the assistance of known the geotechnics equations, the volumetric water content is transformed into density and consequently into water content mass.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water content, Ground, Compaction
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