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Nurturing the child: An architecture of community, landscape and learning

Posted on:2010-02-17Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Stratton Treadway, Catherine MarieFull Text:PDF
This thesis explores the making of place for all preschool children, those with special needs and those considered to be "typically developing." Scale, materiality, light and shadow, color, the four fundamental elements of nature, and the nature of ritual and routine all play a role in the children's experience of place and are explored here as part of the design process.;This thesis asks, "What are the contributions that architecture and landscape can make towards nurturing the whole child including children with diverse needs?" The result is a supportive learning and healing environment for children who are defined as having special needs and their "typically developing" peers. A landscape of learning and play will be a significant focus.;To support the children and their families, a range of community involvement will be incorporated, and the large recreation center site will be redeveloped as community space.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community, Landscape, Children
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