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L'habitude en matiere de conduite automobile: Une analyse de ses composantes et du role qu'elle joue dans le maintien et la regulation des comportements de conduite

Posted on:2010-03-08Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Universite de Montreal (Canada)Candidate:Beaulieu, NathalieFull Text:PDF
"The vast majority of accidents remain related to the dangerous behaviors of road users". This straightforward statement is now accepted as a truism by the road safety community, although it is based on questionable premises. The most basic problem is that the research done during last decades was almost completely focused on analyzing solely the failing aspects of driving -- accidents, traffic offences, driving errors and mistakes, high-risk and dysfunctional drivers, attitudes and psychological traits that may lead to dangerous driving, etc. In so doing, we came to forget that we still have plenty to learn about the art of ordinary driving. How can we expect to address the entire process of road accidents without first having identified, and clearly understood, the mechanisms of "regular" driving? How can we deepen our understanding of driving behaviors if we are completely ignoring all the usual, "normal" activities people do as they are driving their vehicles? This thesis was realized with the view to better understanding the driving behaviors, taking into account their diversity and richness. The study more specifically looked into the issue of habits, as they are a significant aspect of driving behaviors, but also as they are resilient, in that they pose real barriers to all those who are trying to change individual driving behaviors. In-depth interviews with 30 drivers, male and female, aged between 17 and 54, were meant to answer the following questions, among others: What are the different driving habits made of? To what extent do they direct driving behaviors? How do they hamper the change or modification of adopted practices? What are the factors that lead them to set in? The results of the analysis laid the foundations of a driving behaviors model in which body sensations take a central role, and the habit -- which is more related to the idea of comfort than to ideas of automatism or repetition -- contributes not only to the sustainability, but also to the regulation of the various behaviors adopted on the roads.;Keywords: Driving behaviors, habit, sensation, comfort, emotions, traffic safety, usual driving.
Keywords/Search Tags:Behaviors, Driving, Road
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