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Shuttle to serenity: The history and impact of Zion National Park's transportation system

Posted on:2010-07-25Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, Las VegasCandidate:Wadsworth, Reuben EdwardFull Text:PDF
Shuttle to Serenity focuses on the history of the Zion National Park transportation system's planning, construction and implementation process. It details the unfavorable conditions in pre-shuttle Zion and shows how the shuttle has drastically improved the visitor experience and park environment since operations began in May 2000. The thesis also chronicles the groundbreaking partnership between Springdale, the gateway community, and Zion National Park, which proved vital in the shuttle implementation process. Ultimately, Shuttle to Serenity demonstrates that public transportation systems in national parks align the NPS with its mandate to preserve the natural beauty of each park for the enjoyment of future generations, thus welding together the two formerly competing directives of the 1916 Organic Act that established the National Park Service -- visitor access and scenic preservation.
Keywords/Search Tags:National park, Shuttle, Transportation system, History, Serenity
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