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Redesigning a tire palletizing operation: Implementation of an ergonomic design methodology

Posted on:2011-08-08Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Ross, Derek MatthewFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002456550Subject:Occupational safety
This study developed an evaluation process to sustain the design and application of ergonomic interventions to improve the working conditions of industrial operators. Nova Scotia experiences a large number of work-related musculoskeletal disorders with nearly 60 percent of these injuries resulting in lost work time. These injuries have enormous financial and psychosocial costs, and the development of an ergonomics methodology to systematically evaluate, develop and implement solutions to the risk factors associated with industrial musculoskeletal disorders is vital. By means of the study of a palletization problem at a Michelin tire plant; the development of a practical solution using a participatory ergonomics method was achieved. However, the final implementation of the potential solution at the plant was not achieved, and thus the long-term impact of the participatory ergonomics methodology remains to be studied further.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ergonomics methodology, Participatory ergonomics
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