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An investigation of the environmental changes in the Goksu Valley, Turkey in antiquity

Posted on:2011-08-01Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:College of CharlestonCandidate:Kyer, Jeffrey AFull Text:PDF
The main goal of this thesis is to shed light on the environmental history of the Upper Goksu Valley in south-central Turkey. A primary focus is a study of changes of the Goksu River valley over time and the effect of those changes upon the local environment and human settlement patterns. Field studies of the region indicate that a large lake existed in the valley during the early settlement periods (Paleolithic and Bronze Age), which would have drastically modified the local climate. Studies of regional geology and geomorphology were combined with remote sensing data obtained from ASTER and LANDSAT. Methods of data collection included clast measurements, geological mapping, geomorphic studies and computer generated digital elevation models (DEMs). A Geographical Information Systems (GIS) database integrates this data with archaeological information from the Goksu Archaeological Project (GAP). This will assist in the creation of an overview of the influences on the local ecology and landforms so as to provide a better understanding of the geomorphic influence on local/regional climate change. Hydrological reconstruction of flood velocities indicates that changes in the competence of the Goksu River have occurred over time, indicating a general decline in the river's flow.
Keywords/Search Tags:Goksu, Changes, Valley
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