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Embodying the soul's pain: A study of memorial tattoos and the grieving process

Posted on:2011-10-23Degree:M.T.PType:Thesis
University:Institute of Transpersonal PsychologyCandidate:Bates, Shannon MFull Text:PDF
This thesis was an initial study of the effects of memorial tattooing in relation to the grieving process. The theory was that the physical pain and ritual of the tattooing experience would act as a catalyst in transforming the experience of grief.;Nine participants who had received a memorial tattoo dedicated to a deceased loved one shared their experiences of grief, tattooing, healing, and transformation. The literature review covered the following topics: grieving, mindful grieving, tattooing, and memorial tattooing. The research study was performed using the qualitative method, Organic Inquiry.;The primary method of data collect was open-ended interviews, thus allowing the participants to fully explore their stories of memorial tattooing. The individual stories were presented in condensed narratives and themes were unveiled in the group story. Reports of transformation were collected from the participants and earlier readers through follow-up questionnaires.;The primary themes that were revealed regarding memorial tattooing and grieving were love, honor, and respect for the deceased loved ones, the tattooing experience as one full of joy and reverence, and the deep significance of the resulting tattoo. Additional exploration with a larger sample group may yield more specific findings because it appears that grief experiences may vary significantly due to the time between the death of the loved one and the moment in which the grieving person receives the tattoo.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grieving, Memorial, Tattoo
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