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Dancing our ecological niche: Learning from and partnering with more-than-human nature

Posted on:2009-08-09Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Smith, Shelagh RaeFull Text:PDF
An ecological design revolution is advocated in moving towards ecological sustainability. References to 'learning from nature' and 'partnering with nature' in ecological design literature suggest they are important features of this revolution. Semi-structured interviews were used to discover the meaning, process, and outcomes of learning from and partnering with more-than-human nature as experienced by ecological designers of urban nature in the Greater Vancouver Regional District. A grounded theory analysis revealed that learning from nature entails fascination, engagement with nature, free-choice learning, and can be enhanced by using tools and techniques. Constructing ecological understanding and collaborating guide ecological design, which is referred to as partnering, working or designing with nature. Nature responds to ecological designs, followed by a cyclical process of human evaluation and modification of design, and again nature's response. Creating and implementing ecological designs involves encountering challenges, and can lead to feeling good, teaching, and moving towards ecological sustainability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological, Nature, Partnering
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