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Remediation of Salt Contaminated Sites Using Electrokinetic

Posted on:2011-09-04Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Beaudin, Jason JarrodFull Text:PDF
GTID:2441390002970251Subject:Environmental Engineering
In-situ remediation of subsurface salt contamination, in low permeable soil stratigraphies, using electrokinetic technology was shown to be a potentially viable and feasible alternative to current remedial strategies. Electroosmosis and electromigration were studied to assess their effectiveness for reducing excessive salt concentrations in soil and groundwater to acceptable levels. The electrical field was generated using horizontally placed and drilled electrodes at specific depths within the vegetative root zone. The results of the investigation demonstrated movement of sodium and chloride ions from anode to cathode (electroosmotic flow) in the presence of a weaker electrical field and a net positive migration of anions and cations towards their oppositely charged electrodes (electromigration) in the presence of a strong electrical field. Continued investigation of this remedial strategy is recommended to further demonstrate effectiveness and optimize conditions for successful application in order to provide site managers with a more sustainable remedial approach than current methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Salt, Using
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