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An examination of Africa's ecological disasters from 1889-2000

Posted on:2011-01-15Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Southern University and Agricultural and Mechanical CollegeCandidate:Senegal, Anysia NicoleFull Text:PDF
Ecological disasters have been responsible for the deaths of many within Africa. Events such as the rinderpest cattle plague disease and Ethiopia's drought that led to famine in the 1980s caused many deaths and presented catastrophic damage. Climatic disasters such as massive flooding in Mozambique and the Lake Nyos tragedy are other events where the environment harmed the population or species inhabiting it. Few if any books are written on Africa's ecological disasters.;This study is an examination of Africa's ecological disaster rinderpest cattle plague disease, Ethiopia's famine, killer Lake Nyos and massive flooding in Mozambique occurring from 1889-2000. Qualitative research was the method used for this study. The researcher used archival data from newspapers, magazine articles, journals and a survey conducted by scientists during the aftermath of the event.;This study finds that Africa's ecological disasters, specifically phenomenon's like the rinderpest cattle plague and the Lake Nyos disaster are under-researched in African studies. Examples of these disasters rarely appear in African historiography; however they do often occur and threaten human existence. Additionally, it may also serves as blueprint to help prevent these occurrences from reoccurring.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological disasters, Rinderpest cattle plague
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